PJE Foundation Launches

During this, the charity’s first year, the charity has successfully registered and set out its principles of operation. In fundraising activities, the charity has secured business sponsorship from the European Nursing Agency Ltd which has committed to supporting the charity through to 2011.
In the future, the charity aims to establish a clear system for making grants to young adults to assist with an education that will improve their work prospects and aid in them being independent and net contributors to society. The objectives are to start making grants in 2010/2011 both directly to individuals and through intermediaries.
The charity made payments to two charities during the year. £5,000 to Care International for their Haiti disaster relief work and £400 to Home-Start St Albans to help purchase capital equipment for their office in their support for young parents and children.

[Report for 2009-10]

About the Author

Jane Elvidge

Jane has been happily married for thirty years and is the mother of four children. After graduating in 1985 she worked as a Geophysicist in the oil industry. After this, she worked on a part-time basis while raising her family. Fourteen of these years were spent working with her husband, Paul, as a joint owner/director of a successful SME in the healthcare sector. She has also worked as a secondary school support teacher of science and maths and is currently working as a maths tutor. She has been a volunteer for the Prince's Trust.